Sample Formatting Page

About this page: This page illustrates how to use the most common formatting features in Wikidot. To see what the wiki syntax looks like, scroll to the bottom, click on "Options" then, click "Page Source."

You can access these formatting features by using the toolbar at the top of the editing window. Hover your cursor over a tool to find out what it does.

Creating a Table of Contents from header text:

Formatting Elements

Header Level 1

Header Level 2

Header Level 3



Link to internal page

Link to outside site

Bulleted List

  • Item1
  • Item2
  • Item3
    • Sub item a
    • Sub item b

Sample Table:

Header1 Header2 Header3 Header4
cell-content cell-content cell-content cell-content
cell-content cell-content cell-content cell-content
cell-content cell-content cell-content cell-content

Definition list (another way of laying out text):


Dummy text in blockquote format:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque tempus, orci consectetur tristique convallis, metus sem dapibus justo, sed condimentum nulla dui quis est. Quisque ac dui augue. Pellentesque sit amet porta ligula. Nulla facilisi. Praesent at ligula vitae massa luctus cursus ac vitae libero. Quisque at leo sit amet leo auctor placerat dapibus vitae neque. Duis elit orci, facilisis sit amet laoreet sed, adipiscing in odio.

Horizontal Line:

Including Images

Image embedded from an external web address (also links to address):


Image attached to page:


Video embedded from YouTube:

Including Research

Sentence with one footnote1 and another footnote2. Numbers are created automatically.

Sentence with a bibliographic citation.[1]

1. "Grotesque." Wikipedia. 9 May 2010. Web. 7 Jun. 2010.